Request for a release candidate

Issue #119 resolved
Xylar Asay-Davis created an issue

I'd like to request a release candidate sometime before the next release so I can test on conda-forge. I have tried to test with master in the past (but need a release candidate of tempest), see

This would be very helpful for testing tempest, MOAB and mptempest, see and

Comments (4)

  1. Vijay M

    Just wanted to update that we are waiting for couple of PRs to get merged in and approaching finalization of the release by this week. Do you just need a tarball location to get the testing for the conda package started ?

  2. Xylar Asay-Davis reporter

    If you make a <version>.rc1 tag or whatever, I can use the tar ball from that on conda-forge. That’s definitely the best way.

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