gmsh element types with order higher than 2 not supported

Issue #120 new
Former user created an issue


I am currently writing some software where the underlying mesh representation is a moab meshset. As such, I was hoping to leverage the already written io classes in moab to have some easy io capabilities in my own application.

However, when testing the gmsh load_file for triangle meshes of order 3 and higher the API fails saying that the element type is unsupported. Indeed, looking at the GmshUtil.cpp file of my moab distribution, one clearly sees that all elements higher than order 2 have been given MBMAXTYPE type and therefore moab throws an error when reading the file.

I was wondering if this is an oversight since it seems that everything was written to be able to support these types of elements or if supporting this kind of loading from gmsh breaks some functionalities elsewhere?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Comments (1)

  1. Vijay M

    Julian, we just have not gotten around to fixing the Gmsh reader to support these kind of elements. If you can submit a PR with necessary changes to read in the newer file formats, we will be happy to review it and merge. It would also be helpful to have an example mesh file in this issue so that we can mark it as resolved when the mesh from file can be loaded onto a mesh set.

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