Polygon to polyhedron adjacencies not working

Issue #124 resolved
Tim Tautges created an issue

After getting the polyhedra in a mesh, for each polyhedron, I get its faces, then for each face, ask for the adjacent polyhedra and look for the polyhedron. All faces adjacent to polyhedra fail this test.

To reproduce, compile the attached code (define MOAB_DIR then just make), then run with MeshFiles/unittest/tet_brick.vtk as the only argument. I see the following:

Mesh has 274 polyhedra and 1513 faces.
There were 1513 faces that failed cell adjacency test in this mesh.

Comments (4)

  1. Vijay M

    @Tim Tautges Can you confirm if this is still an issue ? I assume so since we have not modified the polygon adjacency code recently.

    @Iulian Grindeanu can you take a look at this ?

  2. Iulian Grindeanu

    the test should be like this:

    63 if (adjcells.find(*it) == adjcells.end()) badfaces.insert(*fit);

    *it is the polyhedron, *fit is the face that is adjacent to the polyhedron;

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