mbpart tool

Issue #13 new
Navamita Ray created an issue

Few issues encountered while trying to partition a very simple mesh with 4 triangles into 4 parts:

  1. Using the default RCB algorithm returns an unbalanced mesh partition (with 2 triangles on 1 part, 1 on 2 parts, and none on 1 part)

  2. Other algorithm options(tested only a few, not all) that didn't work

    a) -p for parmetis : The help doesn't show the available parmetis options to be supplied with the -p option. ./mbpart 4 -p /Users/nray/Work/Projects/Codes/Meshes/small/tris_4star.vtk tris_4star_p4.h5m Error: Did not find required positional argument: output_file

    b) RR algorithm gave a segmentation fault ./mbpart -z RR 4 /Users/nray/Work/Projects/Codes/Meshes/small/tris_4star.vtk tris_4star_p4.h5m Loading file /Users/nray/Work/Projects/Codes/Meshes/small/tris_4star.vtk... Segmentation fault: 11

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