
Issue #35 new
Nico Schlömer created an issue

While watching a talk of grandmaster Stroustrup, my attention was pointed towards clang-tidy, a tool for automatically improving/modernizing a C++ code base. I've successfully used it on a number of projects now, and I think it may be useful for MOAB as well. I found

clang-tidy AdaptiveKDTree.cpp -checks=*,-google-readability-braces-around-statements,-readability-braces-around-statements -fix -- -I/usr/include/mpi/ -DIS_BUILDING_MB=1

to produce a sane diff.

The process is fully automatic and replaces, e.g., 0 or NULL by nullptr where appropriate. Best check it out for yourself.

Comments (1)

  1. Vijay M

    Thanks Nico. I saw your email in the Trilinos list and haven't had time to install clang-tidy. Will do it this weekend and play with it. Will let you know what I find.

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