Reading vertex entities from vtk

Issue #42 resolved
Mike Cortis created an issue

The function load_file is unable to read vertex entities from a vtk file that are not in connectivity with other entities.

Comments (4)

  1. Iulian Grindeanu

    MOAB vtk reader is a simplified reader, that does not fully support VTK format; can you attach a vtk file that needs to be read by MOAB in your workflow? We will see if we can modify our reader to fit your needs.

  2. Mike Cortis reporter

    Please find attached. Basically, it has a set of vertices with some tags assigned to this entities. Let me know if I can assist in anything else.

    Thanks very much

  3. Vijay M

    @iulian07 did we not include a fix for reading free nodes from vtk/h5m ? can we test this and fix it if it still fails on 4.9.2 ?

  4. Vijay M

    Reading free vertices/nodes and associated data on them has been added. That change should resolve this long outstanding issue.

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