#382 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in pshriwise/moab/pymoab_rpath (pull request #382)

101c44f·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-05-22


This PR adds RPATH setting to the PyMOAB shared libraries. My understanding is that this is pretty standard for python packages and allows users to only need the package location in their PYTHONPATH without needing libMOAB in their LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

This required some changes to the autotools/CMake builds of PyMOAB. To set the RPATH properly for an installation without requiring a build/compile/link step upon install, two versions of PyMOAB are created during a build.

  • The first is the same as it was before and is linked to the MOAB library in the build directory. Tests are run using this package

  • The second is a "pre-linked" version where the RPATH is set to the installed MOAB library location, which may or may not have occurred yet. This version is installed as part of the make install target to the specified PYTHON_PREFIX.

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