Allow default path for HDF5

#389 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in gonuke/allow_dflt_hdf5_path (pull request #389)

8f555da·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-06-27


There was a discussion on a previous PR about using default installations of HDF5. @iulian07 indicated a preference that users specify a particular build of HDF5 rather than just use the default. However, if a user does want to just use the default on some systems (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04) it's not possible with the current system because the libraries and includes are in different file system trees and there is no valid HDF5_ROOT that can be specified.

This change will search the default path if HDF5_ROOT is not set to a valid path, but will not search the default path if HDF5_ROOT is set and exists. I propose it as a compromise, subject to discussion.

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