Segfault when constructed index exceeds 2GB

Issue #1 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Lagos, Here's an issue to look at if you'v e not seen it yet: Fawlty Language 0.79.26 (linux amd64 m64) Copyright (c) 2000-2013, Lajos Foldy ...

FL> a=bindgen(2,750000000) FL> l=255b-bindgen(256) FL> a[0]=l[a[*]] Segmentation fault

Comments (3)

  1. Lajos Foldy repo owner

    It works for me on a 8GB machine. I can reproduce the crash after setting 'ulimit -v 4000000'. Are you sure you have enough memory? The crash is normal for out of memory situations. I'll change the crash into a warning message, but that's all, there is no real solution for OOM problems.

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