Widget Colors

Issue #16 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am resurrecting some old IDL code called melding in fl. This is widget based. Under IDL I could set background colors, fonts etc using .Xdefaults. I changed the .Xdefaults Idl entries to fl64_cmd, then fl64_cmd.app, then fl, then fl.app to no avail. for example a former IDL* ... entry in ~/.Xdefaults was changed to

fl74_cmdmeldimgbuttonsbackground:grey fl74_cmd.appmeldimgbuttonsbackground:grey flmeldimgbuttonsbackground:grey fl.appmeldimgbuttonsbackground:grey

The widgets show no change and I really need to get this resolved since text and text background are both rendered black.

Does anyone know how to change display properties of fl widgets?

Comments (3)

  1. Lajos Foldy repo owner

    FL uses Qt 4.8 and Qt does not use .Xdefaults.

    Widgets are far from complete, they are not ready for production use. It's on my TODO list, but I have limited time.

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