Cannot write more than 509 JPEG files

Issue #25 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi: I tried this "one liner" on Windows 10 using FL 0.79.47 and got an error:

FL> for i=0,1000 do write_jpeg,'c:\tmp\T_'+strtrim(i,2)+'.jpg',bytscl(randomn(s,3,50,50)),true=1 % Error: WRITE_JPEG: can not open file: c:\tmp\T_509.jpg

In my application I need to write out 1000's of images (using a different program!) and I get a crash. I modified it to write PNG and I don't get an error. I think it must be a problem with the write_jpeg routine.

If I also add writing a text file to the loop writing a Jpeg image then I get an error that I can't open a text file for the 509'th text file.

I attach a test program of all the things I tried - usually writing a PNG file instead solves it but not always. Thanks Chris

Comments (2)

  1. Lajos Foldy repo owner

    An fclose is missing and file descriptors are exhausted. Fixed for the next snapshot. Thanks for the report.

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