New FL install crashes on tvrd

Issue #31 resolved
Chris Borel created an issue

I downloaded FL_0.79.50 on a new laptop running W11. When running fl64_cmd and entering the following lines:


The command window disappears and FL crashes - no file is written. This does not happen on another computer I use. What could be the cause? I use tvrd a lot to create image files in my code.

Comments (5)

  1. Chris Borel reporter

    Thanks! I am glad you were able to reproduce it. For some reason it does not happen on my older Dell XPS 15 laptop computer - only on the new Dell M17 R4.

    I just installed an older version of F:L on the same computer and did not run into the problem:

    Fawlty Language 0.79.45 (windows amd64 m64) Copyright (c) 2000-2018, Lajos Foldy

    If this program is older than 3-6 months, consider downloading a newer version.



    Type 'help, /lib' for system routines info.

    FL> plot,[0,1] FL> a=tvrd() FL> a=tvrd(true=1) FL> help, a A BYTE = Array[3, 1920, 1044]

  2. Lajos Foldy repo owner

    Strangely, I could not reproduce this on the machine where I build FL. Then I had an idea: the build machine has a low-res HD display and that prevents HiDPI scaling. I set the QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING environment variable to 0 on the FullHD machine and TVREAD() works again! Can you check it on your machine? Open a cmd window, then enter ‘set QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING=0’ and start fl64_cmd.exe or fl64_gui.exe from this cmd window. If this work, you can create a batch file with this setting to start FL. (This change in HiDPI handling probably comes from the change from Qt5 to Qt6, so old Qt5 versions work as expected.)

  3. Chris Borel reporter

    Lajos: It works! You are a genius! Thank you so much! I run FL on a 4k display and that is different from my other laptop. Chris

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