Fawlty 5.2 not launching on mac

Issue #38 resolved
Former user created an issue

Dear Lajos,

I'm encountering a problem on MacOS 10.15.2 with version 5.2 that does not launch apparently due to some missing dylib.

jpb 180> fawlty dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/env/amd64-macos-xcode13/devel/lib/libncurses.6.dylib Referenced from: /Applications/fl_52.app/Contents/Libraries/libedit.0.dylib Reason: image not found Abort jpb 181> which fawlty fawlty: aliased to /Applications/fl_52.app/Contents/MacOS/fl64_cmd

Version 5.1 works on the same machine, but there, I am encountering a probleme when running a fortran code from withing fawlty with the spawn command : my fortran code seems to run for ever and does not return to fawlty upon completion.

Version 5.0 is the one that works for me, and does not have any of the above. I have a bug to report on this version, but would first like to check that it is still there in the latest versions.

Can you tell me what is wrong, maybe with my install ?



Comments (2)

  1. Lajos Foldy repo owner

    I have recreated the package, the libraries should be fine now.

    The simple spawn, ‘ls-l’ command works as expected. If you have problems with spawn, please send me the exact command to be able to reproduce the problem.

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