initial mount keystrokes out of sync

Issue #17 open
Mark Schmidt created an issue

Starting with KeePass 2.43, the initial time I attempt KeePass entry right-click Mount Volume with KeePassVeraCryptMount (version 1.0.7), the auto keystrokes are getting entered into whatever other app is loaded on the computer behind KeePass. It seems the VeraCrypt mount dialog window expecting keystrokes is delayed too much, so the keystrokes are not being issued to proper window. VeraCrypt is getting initially loaded by KeePassVeraCryptMount, I do not have VeraCrypt loaded previously in any way. Once it fails and this VeraCrypt load has happened once, all subsequent Mount Volume works properly, even if I complete exit KeePass and any running VeraCrypt. I need to reboot the computer to see the issue again.

Comments (2)

  1. Frédéric Bourqui repo owner

    Cannot reproduce, tested with KeePass 2.43 on 2 different windows 10 machine. The AutoType feature is part of KeePass, not the pluging.

  2. Mark Schmidt reporter
    • changed status to open

    I think I misinterpreted the failure mode. The failure might be related to mounting an external HDD encrypted partition. I have seen it fail without reboot now. It might also not be related to the new KeePass 2.43 version - that's simply when I started seeing the issue - it might have more to do with if the relevant data is in computer's cache memory. You might be able to reproduce/simulate by specifying a Volume ID that doesn't exist.

    I could attempt to increase the AutoType Execution Timeout in the main options window - what does that do exactly, wait that amount of time before executing autotype, OR truely a timeout where autotype won't execute if something doesn't happen within that amount of time?

    Is it possible for the plugin to make the autotype window specific and only autotype into a VeraCrypt password entry dialog window? Currently, in this failure mode, the autotype gets issued into whatever window is active before I start KeePass to do the VeraCrypt Mount, and that could cause some unwanted outcomes.


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