Delayed execute transition on parent Closed issue doesn't work

Issue #108 resolved
Andrey Kiyanovsky created an issue


Parent issue = Closed Create subtask -> post-function on Create -> delayed execution parent transition Closed -> Open doesn't work

If I change delayed to immediately transition all works OK

Comments (16)

  1. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    It's strange, but it seems like any (hidden?) delayed transition doesn't work at all.

    I have parent Open -> To Do hidden transition "Hidden To Do" without any validations:

    Transition  Hidden To Do 1.png

    Transition  Hidden To Do 2.png

    and in subtask Open -> To Do transition I want to transition parent task:

    Transition  subtasl To Do.png

    It doesn't work. But if I change delayed to immediate transition, it works!

  2. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Maybe it is connected to upgrade/downgrade 2.1.28 -> 2.2.29beta4->uninstall->2.1.28?

  3. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    I've uninstalled add-on and installed again and it seems like it works now. I have no time right now, let me check later.

    P.S. I've found out the following: when I downgrade in production JIRA beta -> 2.1.28, I uploaded 2.1.28 over beta, but after upload version still remained beta. Then I uninstalled beta and installed 2.1.28 - and these errors happened. Then I uninstalled 2.1.28 and installed it again and now it seems to work. In sandbox JIRA upload 2.1.28 over beta has gone correctly and I don't face any issues in the sandbox.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    JIRA only allows you to install a version of a plugin if it's a higher version that currently installed. When version numbers can't be compared (this happens when installing a beta version or installing over a beta version) you have to manually uninstall your current version and upload the new one. So the behavior you are experiencing is normal, and has nothing to do with the bug you are observing.

    In relation with the failure of delayed writing virtual fields, it would be interesting to check your server's log file, and look for error messages related with the problem.

  5. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Fidel, something strange happens. I come back home, check and.. it doesn't work again (2.1.28). It seems like it breaks after some time (or some operations). I've just installed beta6 and will keep trying.

    But original bug (in initial description) still in place.

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Look at "JIRA_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/log/catalina.out".

    Please, run the "JIRA Integrity Checker" tool, available at JIRA's Administration section.

  7. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Now I haven't access to JIRA folders. Integrity check has passed OK. Please check initial bug.

  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have managed to reproduce the same problem as you describe, but it happens only when post-function only for transitioning parent issue is in "Create Issue" transition in sub-task's workflow.

    Does the problem occurs in your case when post-function for transitioning parent issue is in "Create Issue" transition, or in "Open" to "To Do" transition in subtasks's workflow?

  9. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Problem occurs only for transitioning parent issue is in "Create Issue" transition in sub-task's workflow.

  10. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Ok, the I've got it. Now it's should be easy to investigate the problem. I will try to solve it in next version of the plugin.

    Anyway, in your case, isn't it ok using "Execute transition on parent issue", or do you need to use "Execute transition on parent issue (delayed execution)" for bypassing some kind of condition or validator parent's workflow?

  11. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    "Execute transition on parent issue" works for me and I'm using it now. So, I'm not blocked with this bug. Thank you, Fidel!

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