JWT Calculate variables

Issue #1004 new
Nicolas Figueroa created an issue

Hi all,

I have a to make a little complex calculation.

I need to make a calculation en base a numeric CustomField "Cant Pages" in a subtask, and show the total en in Epic, Standart Issue, it dosnt matter. But this sum need to take some variables. Cause i need to make the calculation in base of custom text field: "suppliers", between weeks. So the total need to show total pages by week and supplier.

I try this Function, but its drop down the server, lol.

sum(fieldValue("Cant Pages"})filterByFieldValue(filterByIssueType(getIssuesFromProjects("MG"), "Gestión con CL"), "Month", =, "Month") UNION filterByFieldValue(filterByIssueType(getIssuesFromProjects("MG"), "Gestión con CL"), "Week", =, "Week"))

Thx for your time.

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