Block a transition if the same users as a last transiton

Issue #106 resolved
Former User created an issue

![Hi together, I search for a solution to block a transition if the user are the same as the last transition. (4 eye check)

Additionally: It is possible to show the current user a text that he can's execute this transition because ..... bla bla bla?

Version 2.1.28 , License SEN: SEN-4096969](

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andreas,

    I explain you how to do it:

    1) Create a "User Picker (single user)" custom field called "Initial to InApproval User". This custom field won't be added to any screen, since we are going to use it only for storing the user who executed transition from "Initial" to "In Approval" statuses.

    2) Add "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function to transition from "Initial" to "In Approval" statuses, with the following configuration:


    Notice that %{00020} is field code for "Current user".

    3) Add "Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms" validator in transition from "In Approval" to "???" statuses wit the following configuration:


    Boolean expression used is: %{00020} != %{13400}

    Notice that:

    • %{13400} is field code for "Initial to InApproval User". This field code depends on each particular JIRA instance.
    • %{00020} is field code for "Current user".


  2. Former User reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    I hope your given Name are Fidel. It works optimally with my different approvals or 4-eyes check. Thanks for your support. It is a very good and a extensive tool. :-)

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