Issue with multiple enclosed delayed transitions

Issue #111 resolved
Andrey Kiyanovsky created an issue

Hi Fidel,

my scheme is complicated. I will describe only the part related to the error. I couldn't manage such a big description here (some strange things happens with "end of line"), so I've described the error in Google doc

I will appreciate resolving ASAP, thank you in advance!


Comments (20)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andrey,

    I haven't yet reproduced the problem, nor fully studied your description, but please try version 2.1.30_beta_5, which fixes a bug related with ephemeral fields being auto-cleaned before end of transition under certain circumstances.

    I wouldn't find strange that it had something to do with your issue.

  2. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    I've upgraded add-on and checked the results - nothing changed. Please make comments in Google doc if you need addition clarification. Tomorrow I'll be able to have a Skype call with you.

    Thank you in advance, Andrey.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I'm trying to reproduce your configuration. I need screenshots with the configurations of the following transitions:

    • "Development in Progress" (Migration Task)
    • "Resolve" (QA Task)
    • "To Do" (UAT Task)

    If you don't have validators or conditions, I only need post-function's tab.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Andrey, I have found that third post-function in "Development in Progress" transition, does immediate transitioning of linked UAT Task's instead of delayed (as you explained in your doc). Look at the screenshot:


    That might explain that "Ephemeral string 5" contains "UAT" instead of "QA".

  5. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Yes, this was the reason, thank you. But we still have an issue. In second call from UAT To Do transition it seems like Ephemeral string isn't written:


  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Andrey, I have tried to reproduce the second problem with a configuration similar to yours and it's working perfectly in my case.

    Have your tried to reproduce your second problem after editing third post-function in "Development in Progress" transition?

  7. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Fidel, do you mean empty Ephemeral string? Yes, I've tried - the screenshot is in previous comment. After changing "execute" to "delayed execute".

  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Yes, I mean "Ephemeral string 5" empty, and wrong values for "Delayed transition" and "Current status" in the comment.

    That is working correctly in my case.

  9. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Fidel, I've double checked it - Ephemeral String 5 is empty on second "Development in Progress" call. v. 2.1.30_beta_5

  10. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    I thought, that the reason may be equal Epeheral Strings for both calls (first call wipes Ephemeral from second). I've changed in second call Ephemeral to 4 and got the same result - it is empty. Maybe the reason is, that Ephemeral from UAT filled before the call from QA and when QA call finish, Ephemerals are cleared and on second call Ephemerals are empty? Because if I move UAT Open -> To Do manually, Ephemaral 5 is written correctly.

  11. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andrey, I was executing UAT transition manually. Now, I see how the problem occurs: The cause is that the first execution of transition "Hidden Production" is clearing the value entered by "UAT Open -> To Do", and when second call to "Development in Progress" occurs, field "Ephemeral string 5" is empty.

    I'm trying to figure out whether there is some solution to this puzzle. I've never thought of "Ephemeral fields" as way to pass parameters between transition executions.

  12. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Andrey, I have made available version 2.1.30_beta_6, which provides a new post-function called "Inhibit ephemeral field auto-clearance for current transition".

    The problem will be solved simply by including the new post-function in "Hidden Production" transition.

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