Help transitioning Sub Task

Issue #112 resolved created an issue

Hi, I'm a licensed user of your product and am having issues transitioning sub tasks. What i was hoping i could do is create a sub task and automatically set it to the same status as it's parent issue. Currently my workflow is quite complex and issues remain at a user story level until about 3/4's of the way through. This means when sub tasks are created they go all the way back to the beginning and must go through all of the gates the parent issue has already progressed through. I realise i could create an alternative WF for sub tasks but that brings it's own problems...

Do you think a solution is possible using JWT?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Liam,

    I think you can do it and keep sharing the same workflow for both, parent issue and sub-tasks, but it will require to do some changes in your workflow:

    1.- Add a global transition for going to each of the statuses in your workflow from any other status. You could call these transitions like "Hidden to name_of_status".

    2.- Add to each of these transitions "Transition is triggered by JIRA Workflow Toolbox post-function" condition. It will hide these transitions to JIRA users, leaving them only available to JIRA Workflow Toolbox post-functions.

    3.- Add to "Create Issue" transition "Set a field as a function of other fields" post-function with the following configuration:


    Setting rule used is: (.+)%{00042}

    Notice that:

    Once configured, transition "Create Issue" will look like this:


  2. reporter

    Hi Fidel, Thank you so much for the prompt reply and detailed answer. This worked perfectly first time!

    Very much appreciated, Liam

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