Ability to run post-functions as a different user

Issue #124 resolved
Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] created an issue

JIRA Service Desk introduced several restrictions on what Collaborators can do on a project. So when such user is triggering post-functions from linked issues in regular projects where they have elevated privileges, usually they fail because of those restrictions. Typical scenario is a Service Desk Project (1st tier) with a Engineering Project (2nd Tier). Users in Engineering typically are given the Collaborator role in SD.

It would be nice to have the ability to specify a "Run As" user for those post-functions affecting issues where the executing user has limited privileges. This is how JSD automation also works.

Cheers, AP

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    Thanks for your suggestion. This improvement will be implemented in version 2.1.32 for all the post-functions of the plugin.



  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    I have made available version 2.1.32_beta_1 which implement option "Run as" in the following features:

    • Condition based on JQL query
    • Validation based on JQL query
    • Copy a parsed text to a field
    • Mathematical and date-time expression calculator
    • Set a field as a function of other fields
    • Create issue link
    • Break issue link
    • Write field on linked issues or subtasks
    • Read fields from linked issues or subtasks
    • Write field on issues returned by JQL query
    • Read field from issues returned by JQL query
  3. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    thanks for beta version. Tried the "Write field on linked issues" and I'm getting this following error in the log:

    2015-05-13 12:18:02,401 http-bio-8080-exec-10 WARN engineer-test 738x44812x1 14cvwts /secure/CommentAssignIssue.jspa [plugins.workflowToolbox.shared.GeneralizedField] *** CAN'T ASSIGN NEW VALUE TO "Parent's V_In_Front_of_Equipment" IN ISSUE DESK-25 SINCE MutableIssue OBJECT IS NULL.

    I've configured two options that both resulted in the same error: * Run as the "parent issue assignee" * Run as a specific service desk agent account

    Cheers AP

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Aggelos, the cause of that message is that DESK-25 is not a sub-task, but a main issue, and for that reason writing into field "Parent V_In_Front_of_Equipment" does not make sense since it hasn't any parent issue.

  5. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    my fault, from the rush to give it a try. It works just fine! Super.

    Thanks again.

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