Parse Description field for list of Component/s and post them to the Component/s field

Issue #127 closed
Will created an issue

We currently use a web form that posts issues to a Jira project via SOAP, which doesn't allow for multiple components to be associated to an issue during creation. So we have to restrict the user to a single select list for the available components in a project. I can change the form to post the values selected in a multi-select list to the description field (or other custom text field)....

Given the list of components, can we have the Toolbox parse a field on which the components are listed and then copy them to the system Component/s field?

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Yes it can be done.

    You can use "Copy a parsed text to a field" to copy the value of a Multi-Select custom field into "Components" system field. This way "Components" will be overwritten with selected values in the custom field, provided options in Multi-Select custom field have exactly the same name as actual components in the project.

    You can also use prefixes + or - to add or remove selected components instead of overwritten current value of "Components" system field. Example: + %{nnnnn} will add components selected in custom field with field code nnnnn.

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