Transition sub-task's status when parent is resolved?

Issue #136 closed
Will created an issue

Inquiring about how to automatically transition a Priority = “BLOCKED” Sub-task issuetype to status = “To-do”, when the parent task has been Resolved.

Would like to have something that when you resolve ANY issue, it looks to see if there is a “BLOCKED” sub-tasks, and would then transition any sub-tasks status automatically to be “To-Do”.

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You should insert 2 post-functions in "Resolve Issue" transition of parent's workflow:

    1) "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function with the following configuration:


    2) "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" post-function with the following configuration:

    conf-2.png conf-3.png conf-4.png conf-5.png conf-6.png

    Once configured, transition "Resolve Issue" in parent's workflow will look like this:


    Note that:

    • Filtering expression used is: ^%{00017} = "BLOCKED"
    • Screenshot of "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" post-function shows 2 additional parameters not present in version 2.1.31: " Don't overwrite target field" and "Run as". These are two new parameters that will be included in version 2.1.32 of the plugin.
  2. Will reporter

    Thank you again so much for all your timely support!

    UPDATE: "blocked" was actually a status and not a priority but I was easily able to swap out the variable for that. I should add for anyone reading this that the "BLOCKED" was case sensitive and altough it shows up everywhere in the Jira UI as BLOCKED the post-function didn't work until I changed it to ^{00016} = "Blocked" because "Blocked" is how the actual status is entered in the system.

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