Change Parent Status depending on subtask's Summary

Issue #144 resolved
AlexA created an issue

Hi Fidel;

I have some doubts and I am unable to solve them:

3: I have a Task and Subtask: If the summary of a Subtask contain "Create estimate", then the task gets the new status "estimate created" (execute transition in Task).

I'm not accomplishing these three successfully. Would you help me?

Comments (11)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Alex,

    You have to insert Set field as a function of other fields post-function in "Create Issue" post-function of sub-task's workflow. Use the following configuration:


    Setting rule used requires JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.1.32 or higher. Prefix i makes the regular expression to be evaluated ignoring the case of the text in the summary. Used expression is:

    i(.*create estimate.*)In Progress

    If you are using an older version of the plugin, use the following equivalent setting rule:

    ((?i).*create estimate.*)In Progress

    Once configured, "Create Issue" transition in sub-task's workflow will look like this:


    You should ensure that:

    • Post-function Set field as a function of other fields is inserted after "Creates the issue originally" post-function.
    • There must be a transition from current parent issue status (Task) to "Estimated created" status, and conditions and validators in that transition are satisfied by parent issue.
  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Alex,

    Please check that:

    • There is a transition from current parent status to the new status, and that all the conditions and validations in that transition are satisfied.
    • In order to discard that the setting rule is not being triggered because of the condition on "Summary" is not satisfied, please, replace the setting rule with (.*)Estimated created which is always satisfied.

    In neither of these work, please attach screenshots of:

    1. Configuration of "Create Issue" transition in subtasks workflow (only post-function's tab is needed).
    2. Configuration of transition that should be execute in parent's workflow (condition, validation and post-function tabs are needed).
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