Determining value of fields in linked tickets in JIRA

Issue #155 resolved
Andy Keyworth created an issue

(First off, thanks to Fidel for his quick response and offer to help).

We have two related projects: QUOTES and TRANSCRIPTION, the tickets of which are linked. QUOTES is for the proposal to do the work, while TRANSCRIPTION is for tracking the work done, both internally and externally. TRANSCRIPTION tickets include two fields: Total Expected Contractor Cost and Contractor Cost Currency.

QUOTE tickets start, and then pause while the TRANSCRIPTION tickets run to completion and close. Once they are closed, QUOTE tickets can close. BUT, we want to ensure that you can't close QUOTE tickets unless there is some value in the two fields above in the linked TRANSCRIPTION ticket.

Total Expected Contractor Cost: Text Field (single line) {%17204}

Contractor Cost Currency: Radio Buttons {%17901}

I'm having trouble understanding how, using a Boolean validation (I think that's correct) on the QUOTE ticket transition to look into the linked TRANSCRIPTION ticket and get the value of these fields. A concrete example would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andy,

    It's a pleasure to help you. I will do some assumptions about your case. If you need any variation on the solution I'm going to give you, please ask me for it.

    I'm going to suppose that:

    1. TRAN is the key of project TRANSCRIPTION
    2. You don't want to restrict this validation to a particular issue link type or issue type in project TRANSCRIPTION, i.e., the validation will apply to every issue link type and issue type in project TRANSCRIPTION linked to an issue in project QUOTES.

    You will insert "Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms" in transition "Close Issue" of workflow used by issues in project "TRANSCRIPTION, using the following configuration:


    The boolean expression used is:

    count(filterByPredicate(filterByProject(linkedIssues(), "TRAN"), ^%{17204} = null OR ^%{17901} = null)) = 0 

    This solution is valid even if you share the same workflow for issues in both projects.

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