Execute transition on filtered list of linked issues not working

Issue #174 resolved
Brian Bishop created an issue

Hi there, At the end of my rope, so on the odd chance someone has seen this before, I am filing this question (or bug, except it may not be a bug). I have an ephemeral string being added as a comment, and it is the correct list of issue keys. But when I search through that same list in order to execute transitions on each issue in that list, it fails without error. Hopefully the screenshots will help.

Many thanks, and please don't hesitate to ask questions or even watch me manipulate the workflow via join.me or skype.

-Brian bwb1066

JIRA Info Uptime 15 hours, 21 minutes, 17 seconds Version 6.4.10 Build Number 64025

Version: 2.1.36 Vendor: Fidel Castro Armario Add-on key: com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.workflow-toolbox License details: Evaluation, Unlimited-user commercial license, Standard, expires 15/Oct/15 License status: Valid

Comments (15)

  1. Brian Bishop reporter

    Oh and as you can imagine, I have tried nearly every combo of settings shown on


    Tried using all link types/directions (shown I know I am using more than necessary), foreign issue string, current issue string, using the previously created ephemeral string in the comparison of the issue filter. Nothing causes those 3 linked quotes to transition to the declined status!!

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Brian,

    You should replace "%{00015}" at parameter "Filtering by field values" with "^%{00015}". The reason is that %{00015} represents issue key of current issue, while ^%{00015} represents issue key of issues to to be written.

    Parameter "Filtering by field values" should look like this:

    ^%{00015} in toString(except(linkedIssues("includes quote(s)"), issueKeysToIssueList(%{10801})))



  3. Brian Bishop reporter

    Thanks @fcarmario but I have absolutely tried that many times. Even tried hardcoding it

    ^%{00015} = "TEST01-320" which did not find even that issue. But, this is interesting:


    That fn() adds a comment to all the matching linked issues. But I can't get that method to trigger a transition! :)

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    According to the configuration you are using, issues fulfilling the boolean in parameter "Filtering by field values" should also meet the following conditions:

    1. Be linked to current issue with any of the following issue links (as read from current issue): "RFQs", "is a quote for" or "is an RFQ for".
    2. Should be issue type "Quote".
    3. Should belong to the same project as current issue.

    On the other hand, since transition "Decline Quote" is only available from status "In Negotiation", I would filter issues by this status, i.e., I would check status "In Negotiation" in parameter "Filtering linked issues or subtasks by status".

    Are you expecting that all issues returned by boolean expression are moved to status "Declined"?

  5. Brian Bishop reporter

    Thanks @fcarmario I shall try that now! Will tack on when I get it done. And yes, I want to transition all unselected quotes to declined, and the decline quote transition is available from all the statuses that I tested with (thought of that one!) I will keep hammering on it until I discover that there is no bug.... just some finesse required I guess :)

  6. Brian Bishop reporter

    @fcarmario - are workflow errors that result in say, a JQL query resulting in no results, logged anywhere? I see nothing in atlassian-jira.log. But I know the step that is meant to transition multiple other issues, is not working: when I move it below the canned post function called "Set issue status to the linked status of the destination workflow step." then the transition hits that postfunction, and the status is updated ot the new status. But when I move the workflow toolbox postfunction above the "set issue status..." postfunction, then the status is never changed because I assume that processing of postfunctions stops at that point.

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    I forgot to tell you that conditions and validators in post-function "Decline Quote" should be satisfied in issues that you are trying to move.

    Sometimes the issues you are trying to move (change status) are blocked by conditions or validators that depend on the status of current issue. In those cases you should use "Execute transition (delayed execution)" instead of "Execute transition".

    The difference between the two virtual fields, is that "Execute transition (delayed execution)" will execute the transition on foreign issues once current transition has ended, and so current issue is in the new status, while "Execute transition" tries to execute the transition on foreign issues immediately.

    Please try using "Execute transition (delayed execution)" instead of "Execute transition".

    On the other hand, please set package com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox log level to DEBUG. You can do it at Administration > System > Logging and profiling > Configure logging level for another package*. This way you will get relevant information about the problem.

    Please, let me see the log output, in order to help you find the cause of the problem.

  8. Brian Bishop reporter

    And many thanks for taking so much time in preparing your answers. I know how long it takes to keep up with this, and to post screenshots, etc. Just for the record I will be buying this plugin at the 50 user level, in the near future. Will rate it highly according to my level of support from you! Best, Brian

  9. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Glad to know you will buy the plugin, and many thanks for considering rating it. It's very important to have many opinions from current users in order to make potential new users trust the plugin.

    Regards, Fidel

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