Set a field as a function of other fields Function doesn't work

Issue #179 resolved
mgorokhova created an issue


I'm trying to set the Due Date field to "created date + 3 day" if priority is Blocker, but this postfunction doesn't work. After issue creation field due date is empty.

Can you help me?

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Mariya,

    I have tried that same configuration using Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.2 on JIRA 6.4.12, and it's working perfectly to me.

    • Are you sure you have published your workflow draft?
    • Are you sure the priority name in your jira instance is exactly called "Blocker"?
    • Can you check the log file to look for error messages?

    You could try an alternative configuration:


    Setting rule:

    (Blocker){00057} + 3*{DAY} 

    Once configured, "Create Issue" transition looks like this:


  2. mgorokhova reporter

    Thank you for your answer, Fidel ! I tried this postfunction with another workflow. And it works good. Problem only with 1 workflow. It doesnt matter.

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