HTML in error messages doesn't work

Issue #182 resolved
Andrey Kiyanovsky created an issue

Hey Fidel,

Formely html code was displayed correctly in error messages, example string:

Root Cause required (<a href="">description</a>)!

Now it's displayed incorrectly.

Could you please fix this?

JIRA version 6.4.4. Add-on version: 2.1.32_beta_3

Best, Andrey K.

Comments (6)

  1. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Hey Fidel,

    In Create issue validation message HTML works fine

    Checked on 6.4.4 with 2.1.32_beta_3 and on 6.4.5 with 2.2.

    Best, Andrey K.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andrey,

    I consider that this is an issue of JIRA, instead of the plugin, since it's JIRA the responsible part of rendering the message, and not the plugin.

    I have tried to reproduce more than once the strange behavior you describe in relation to "Create Issue" transition, but haven't succeeded. In my case, the html link is never rendered.

    If I could reproduce the problem, I would create an issue at Atlassian's support in order to demand a fix. Can you please, export an XML workflow where you are experiencing this behavior on "Create Issue" transition?

  3. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Fidel, I just checked the validator message on Create transition - it doesn't work in my production instance of JIRA and works in sandbox instance (message) (both 6.4.11). May be some components differ. I'll talk to my sysadmin.

  4. Andrey Kiyanovsky reporter

    Fidel, something strange happens. If I create an issue from a dashboard or project agile board - it works. If create an issue in the same project but from project administration page - it doesn't work. XML attached.

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