Validation On Linked issues is blocking transition even when there are no linked issues

Issue #185 resolved
Chuck Vanderwist created an issue

Validation On Linked issue is blocking transitions, even when - linked issues all satisfy the validator (status=Closed, Issue type = Testing, Relates to, in the same project)

OR - There are NO issues linked to the current issue.

Validation on linked issue: At least 1 and no more than 1000 issue links with the following characteristics: - Issue link types: relates to or relates to. - Linked issue's issue type: Testing. - Linked issue's status: Closed. - Linked issue's resolution: any - Linked issue belongs to same project as current issue. About the rest of issue links: - Unselected issue link types are allowed. - Unselected issue types are allowed. - Unselected statuses are allowed. Message to show when validation fails: "You must close all linked issues before closing the master scoping issue!".

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Chuck,

    You should set parameter "Minimum required number of issue links" to zero.

    This way, the validator won't block the transition when there isn't linked issues.

    Anyway, I suspect the validator will not behave as you expect in all the situations:

    Do you want to apply that restriction only to issues linked by "relates to" issue link type? That is, Don't you mind the issue type, or status or issues linked using other issue link types (like "is blocked by")?

  2. Chuck Vanderwist Account Deactivated reporter

    I was able to work around this by removing the PF from all of my workflows, publishing, then re-adding the PF with identical configuration, back to the workflows.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I don't know what you mean by PF.

    Anyway, if you keep "Minimum required number of issue links" = 1, the validator will require at least one issue link with type relates to to an issue type "Testing" in status "Closed".

    I think this is not the behavior you expect. If you keep having problems, please reopen the issue. I don't think the validator has any bug.

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