Formating custom field value with higher version

Issue #189 resolved created an issue


We are evaluating this plugin for some post workflow function.

Currenltly we are facing some issue with formating field value.

Requirement: Custom field value: E004.0, E007.0, E009.0

its possible to format the highest version in the field by configuring in post workflow fuction ? Result should be: E009.0

Can you please help us on this. We will buy this plugin if above requirement works fine.

Thanks a lot. GSEP Support

Comments (9)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    I have 2 questions:

    1. Which type of custom field is it?
    2. Does it correspond to the value of the field for current issue, or for 3 different issues?



  2. Account Deactivated reporter


    1) field type is single line. 2) Actually, we need the highest version of linked issues(can be "N" number of issue) fields of current issue (custom version field) . - we could able to get the versions value from linked issues using (Read fields from linked issues or subtasks Function for this transition.) function.

    it is possible to get the highversion by configuration?

    Please let me knwo if you need any other details.

    Thanks. GSEP Support

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Two more questions:

    1. Can the custom field contain only one version per issue, or more than one version per issue?
    2. Do you want to read the field from all linked issues, or from a subset of the linked issues (issues linked by certain issue link types, certain issue types, in certain status, etc)?
  4. Account Deactivated reporter

    1) only one version per issue 2) We want to read the value of all the linked issues. All linked issues issue type will be only "Userstory"

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can get the maximum version using post-function "Copy a parsed text to a field" using the following configuration:

    1. Target field: select the field where you want to store the maximum version.
    2. Parsing mode: advanced
    3. Text to be parsed:
    first(filterByPredicate(distinct(fieldValue(%{nnnnn}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Userstory"))), toNumber(replaceAll(^%, "[a-zA-Z]", "")) = max(toNumberList(replaceAll(toString(fieldValue(%{nnnnn}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Userstory"))), "[a-zA-Z]", ""), ","))))

    replacing %{nnnnn} with the field code of the custom field containing the version in each issue.

  6. Account Deactivated reporter

    We have implemented it but sometime we are getting connection timeout issue.

    Is there any other better solution to solve the performance?


  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Try the following configuration of post-function "Copy a parsed text to a field":

    1. Target field: select the field where you want to store the maximum version.
    2. Parsing mode: advanced
    3. Text to be parsed:
    last(sort(fieldValue(%{nnnnn}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Userstory")), ASC))

    replacing %{nnnnn} with the field code of the custom field containing the version in each issue.

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