How can i parse custom field value

Issue #191 resolved
Stanislav Karamyshev created an issue

Hello , i am using post-function which copy value from field in summary. My field contains a value, for example: And when i copy this value in summary, how can i parse "http://" . I need get only this value in field - It's possible? Thanks!

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Stas,

    You can do it using 2 post-functions. I show you the configuration to add the parsed URL at the end of the summary preceded by an hyphen character:

    1) Add post-function "Parse field for extracting data" with the following configuration:

    parser-1.png parser-2.png

    Leading delimiter is:


    Trailing delimiter is:


    2) Add post-function "Copy a parsed text to a field" with the following configuration:


    Note that:

    • %{00000} is field code for "Summary"
    • %{00061} is field code for "Ephemeral string 1"

    Once configured, your transition will look like this:


    An example of this configuration at work is:


  2. Stanislav Karamyshev reporter

    thanks, if i need parse ".com" and get only www.workflowarts. Then i must change trailing delimiter ?

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    In that case use the following trailing delimiter selecting regular expression (ignoring case):


    or the following one to remove any top-level domain:


    The problem is that currently trailing delimiter field doesn't allow a so long string. I will fix it in next version of the plugin.

    As a workaround you can use:


    but the problem with this delimiter is that if original field value is www.workflowarts then you will obtain www.

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