custom field validation

Issue #197 resolved
Former user created an issue


I am using JIRA 6.2.9 version, I wanted to validate numeric value. field should allow integer value. please suggest on the same.

Regards, Savita

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Do you want to ensure the value of a Number custom field is integer, i.e., there is no fractional part?

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    yes I don't want fractional part, I added one number custom field which allow decimal value also I want to validate user should enter only integer, and also is it possible to validate number of digit in the field? like field should allow to enter only 3 digit.

    Please suggest on the same.

    Regards, Savita

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It's a number field, so 3 and 003 is the same. I can validate that number is between 0 and 999 and it doesn't have fractional part. Is it right for you?

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