On Service desk Automation Rules and Automation Plugin workflow Tool box post functions are not exicuting

Issue #204 resolved
Arijit Banerjee created an issue

On Service desk Automation Rules and Automation Plugin workflow Tool box post functions are not exicuting

Copy parsed text and execute write to subtask is failing

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Arijit,

    Three questions:

    1. Can you please give some details about the failure you are observing?

    2. Which version of JIRA are you using?

    3. Is the problem you are observing related with JIRA Automation Plugin?


  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Arijit, is it possible that you share with me your server's log file? You can send it to support@workflowarts.com.

    If you can't send me the log file, then can you please look for error messages associated with the problem?

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Arijit,

    I have tested automation rules using JIRA Core 7.0.4 and JIRA Service Desk 3.0.4 it works correctly using post-function "Copy a parsed text to a field". I haven't yet tried other post-functions.

    I have tried to reproduce the problem using JIRA 6.4.12 and Service Desk 2.5.9, but I can't find out the way to set automation rules with that version of Service Desk. Documentation at Atlassian tells:

    In your service desk project, proceed to Project administration > Automation and select Add your first automation rule (or New rule if you have previously created one).

    but I don't find Project administration > Automation, which is available at JIRA Service Desk 3.0.4.

    Which version of Service Desk are you running? Can you please assist me on how to set automation rules in that version of Service Desk?

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