How to copy subtask internal comment as internal comment to parent Task

Issue #208 resolved
Arijit Banerjee created an issue

How to copy subtask internal comment as internal comment to parent Task.This is with reference to service desks internal and external comment.I want to copy internal as internal and external as external to parents comment from subtask

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Arijit,

    We can add post-function in transitions where comments are expected to be created in subtaks workflow, and then copy the comment to parent issue with the corresponding visibility. I mean transitions like "Respond to customer" and "Respond to support". Is this approach valid for your case?

    Are you sharing the same workflow with parent issue and subtasks?

    By the way, you will need to install at least version 2.2 of JIRA Workflow Toolbox.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You should add to all the transitions of subtasks workflow "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function with the following configuration:


    Text to be parsed is:

    %{00127} != null ? %{00127} + ": {visibility=" + %{00130} + "}" : ""

    Note that:

    • %{00127} is field code for "Transition's comment".
    • %{00130} is field code for "Last comment's visibility restriction"

    Once configured your transitions will look like this:


    Please, don't forget that previously you will need to update to version 2.2 or higher.

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