Edit certain fields in transition

Issue #217 resolved
FatimaM created an issue

Hi.Is it possible to edit certain fields only in one transition.For example after Opening issue we would not like Summary and Description to be changed.In other transition it could be changed

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Fatima,

    A way to do it is:

    1. Remove the fields from edit screen.
    2. Create one or more screens containing the fields you want to make editable in certain transitions.
    3. Add this/these screen/s to the transitions where you want the fields to be editable.
  2. FatimaM reporter

    but without screen using validator,condition I do not know post function it is not possible to do it?

  3. FatimaM reporter

    because these fields are in etit/view if i will delete from edit they will not be on view screen

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can create different View and Edit screens. To do it, simply make a copy of your current View/Edit screen. Then you have two identical screens.

    After that, you should associate one of them to Edit operation, and the other one to View operation, via "Screen Scheme".

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