Issue after updating to Jira 7.0.5

Issue #218 resolved
Pinchus Gelbman created an issue

Hi, I upgraded my Jira from 6.3.8 to 7.0.5 and I'm using your plugin version 2.2.2 but am having constant issues and by looking into my log file I do see that a lot of those issues are related to com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox which I believe is your plugin. Below is an example of some logs:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getAssignee()Lcom/atlassian/crowd/embedded/api/User;
    at com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.shared.UsersHelper.getResilientLoggedUser(
    at com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.shared.GeneralizedUser.getUser(
    at com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.ConditionalValueSettingFunction.execute(

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Pinchus,

    The bug was introduced in version 2.2, and is caused by an API incompatibility when trying to retrieve current user in actions executed non-interactively, e.g., when creating an issue by an email.

    The bug should has been fixed in version 2.2.3. Please, close the issue once you confirm that your problem has been solved by the new version of the plugin.


  2. Pinchus Gelbman reporter

    Wow, that was a speedy super fast fix. Thanks for cleaning up my log file from now on. :+1:

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