want to display product of 2 field

Issue #224 resolved
Former user created an issue


i have 1 number field, user enter number and it should multiply with 8 and display other field.

ex user story =2(user enter 2) Estimation = 16 H (2*8)

if it is 5 story point it should display 1w .

please let me know how to implement same.

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Savita,

    Use "Copy parsed text to a field" post-function with the following configuration:

    • Target field: Estimation
    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed:
    ({nnnnn}/5 >= 1 ? floor({nnnnn}/5) + " w" : "") + ({nnnnn}/5 > floor({nnnnn}/5) ? ({nnnnn}/5 > 1 ? " " : "") + (({nnnnn} - floor({nnnnn}/5)*5)*8) + " h" : "")

    replacing nnnnn with the code of the number field containing the user's input.

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