Jira Workflow Toolbox - automatically fill the user stories field with the value from its Epic

Issue #225 resolved
Kartik Sharma created an issue


We would need to update (automatically) the user stories field value with the value from its Epic.

That field is Multi-Select Custom field visible both on EPIC and UserStory.

I understand this can be done using Jira Workflow Toolbox but can you guide how? Never used same but we do have licenses version.

Regards Kartik Sharma

Comments (17)

  1. Kartik Sharma reporter

    Thnx Fidel. I managed to apply the post-function but it din't work. I probably doing something wrong so will come back soon after my initial analysis.

    Regards Kartik Sharma

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Kartik,

    Please check the following points:

    • You implemented each post-function on the right workflow, i.e., "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" in Epic's workflow, and "Read fields from linked issues or subtask" in Story's workflow.
    • Are you executing the post-function in "Create Issue" transition? In that case, ensure that you insert your post-function AFTER "Creates the issue originally" post-function.
    • Is the custom field a JIRA native Multi-Select List, or is it provided by a third party plugin?
    • Which version of JIRA and JIRA Workflow Toolbox are you using?
  3. Kartik Sharma reporter


    Hi Fidel, this is how it looks with "Read fields from linked issues or subtask" in Story's workflow. I am trying to set value during Start Progress Transition and customer fields is JIRA native Multi-Select List.

    And version is Jira 7/ Toolbox latest.

    Regards Kartik Sharma

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    The problem is a bug introduced in version 2.2.2. It has been fixed in version 2.2.4_beta_2.

    The stable version fixing the problem will be released shortly.

  5. Kartik Sharma reporter

    Hi Fedel, That was quick and I just took a latest version but seems no progress. Here some screen shots which might help.ScreenShot.png

  6. Kartik Sharma reporter

    So I am expecting when I move US from Open/ Re-Open >> IN PROGRESS it should copy EPIC Value to US Value.

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Kartik,

    Mistakenly a bug in parameter "Run As" has been introduced in version 2.2.4. I have made unavailable the new version in order to avoid users to install it. Version 2.2.5_beta_1 fixes this new bug.

    I don't know if you are experiencing problems due to the bug in parameter "Run As". Please, try the new beta version and tell me whether it solves your problem. I will thank you to do it quickly, since I want to release version 2.2.5 as soon as possible.

    Thanks for your collaboration, and sorry for the annoyance.

  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It's very strange. I'm using the same configuration as you and it's working perfectly. Can we have a screen-share by Skype in an hour? I would like to see the problem in direct. My Skype user is fidel100r.

  9. Kartik Sharma reporter

    Thnx a ton Fidel. What a support I must say. And finally issue was I didn't publish the draft workflow so all worked after that.

    Regards Kartik Sharma

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