time spent feature is not working in jira workflow

Issue #232 resolved
gsep-support@daimler.com created an issue

Hello Team, the time spent feature is not working in jira workflow. I have followed the steps as given in the link. https://bitbucket.org/fcarmario/jira-workflow-toolbox/wiki/amazing/Automatic%20Work%20Log%20With%20Start%20and%20Stop%20Work%20Transitions

There nothing is happenning after setting up the status to close issue.

Please let us know how to resolve this issue.


Comments (12)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    Can you please attach screenshots of your transitions configurations? Only post-functions' tabs are needed.


  2. gsep-support@daimler.com Account Deactivated reporter

    Hello Team,

    I have attached the post function of In progress and Close Issue Transition. Kindly check and let us know how this can be resolved.


  3. gsep-support@daimler.com Account Deactivated reporter

    "Work Start Time" is Date Time Picker type of custom field.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have reproduced the same configuration as you are using, and it's working fine on JIRA 7.0.9 and JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.6.

    Please, check that "Current user" has permission to log work. I think that is the cause of your problem.

  5. gsep-support@daimler.com Account Deactivated reporter

    Hello Fidel,

    "Current User" has all the rights and able to log work but still unable to log the time spent. Our jira version is 6.3.9 and JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.1.

    Can you please help me online. via live meeting.

    Thank you in advance!

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    The problem was that the user who was executing the transitions with post-function "Log work" didn't have "Work On Issues", as required.

    Another problem was that, when testing the workflow, the user should wait for at least 1 minute, since that is the shortest time lapse that can be registered as work log.

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