Use the AUI Select2 Class in Comboxes

Issue #233 resolved
3layer (expert) created an issue

Hello, and special thanks for this great plugin :D

As an (strong) user of the WF Toolbox plugin, we think that the usage of new AUI Select2 capabilities in the comboxes (in the Configuration Pane) is a nice feature.

The screenshot attached show the idea.

The main reason for thus, is the ammount of data in large installations. For example, we have customers with more than 5 hundred entries in each combo! It is very expensive locate the desired entry using standard combobox feature.

So, to solve this, we "trick" the plugin using JQuery in the "Announcement Banner" section. But a native implemenation sounds like a good feature :D

And, thanks again. This is a very nice plugin, my friend.

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    Thanks for the proposal, but AUI Select2 has been implemented in all the combo boxes since version 2.2.6. Have you tried it?


  2. 3layer (expert) reporter

    Wow, great !

    Well, we are using 2.2.3. At this moment, we cannot update :-(

    Can you provide the issue number, so we can mark this issue as "duplicated".

    Thanks, man :D

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry, there is no issue for this improvement, since it was not demanded by any user before you,

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