Circular transitions not working in Write field on linked issues?

Issue #239 resolved
Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] created an issue

It seems that transitioning linked issues with a circular workflow transition is not working after the first invocation, possibly corrupting something on the target issue as well?

Global transitions seem to work fine, is the same applies for Circular?

Cheers, AP

Comments (9)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    By circular transition, do you mean transitions with same origin and destination statuses?

    Can you please attach a screenshot with the configuration of the transition where you have the post-functions for transitioning linked issues? I only need post-function's tab.

    Can you please execute JIRA integrity checked? Let me know if you find something wrong, please.

    Which versions of JIRA and JIRA Workflow Toolbox are you using?

  2. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    [Hi Fidel,

    Yes, global circular (loop) transitions, From "Any Status" to "Itself".

    Attaching screenshot of post-function in the source issue workflow, trying to transition linked issues (actually trying to trigger the circular transition).

    Attaching also Integrity Checker's output.

    Versions: JIRA 6.4.12, Toolbox 2.2.7

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    First of all, errors detected by integrity checked has nothing to do with the problem. They probably are caused by an import of a backup from a previous version JIRA. You can fix them.

    On the other hand, I have reproduced the problem. It seems to be caused by a bug in JIRA, but I need to keep investigating.

    I have discovered that the presence of a circular transition (from any status to itself) do something bad to the workflow, and prevents issue from being transitioned using virtual fields "Issue status" and "Execute transition".

    Even more, If you remove the circular transition from your workflow, you will be able to transition issues using virtual fields again, but issues that have been transitioned in a workflow with a circular transition in the past, seem to rest un-transitionable by virtual fields "Issue status" and "Execute transition".

    By the moment, I recommend you not to use that kind of transitions. I will keep you informed, and hope to have more details about the problem soon.

  4. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Your description matches exactly my own findings. Thanks for the swift turn-back.

    As I side question. What's the best way to post a comment to linked issues that actually triggers also a notification on the target issue? This was the original reason we've tried to call the circular transition.

    "Comment linked issues" post function in Misc Workflow add-on has a 'Send "Issue Commented" notification' option.

    Thanks, AP

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Currently the solution you were going to use is the only available. If you are in a hurry for a solution, you can create reflexive transitions for each status. That will work without problems.

    In next version of the plugin, an option to trigger an event will be added to post-functions, in order to do notifications without needing the use of a circular transition.

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    The problem should have been fixed in version 2.2.8_beta_1.

    Can you please confirm that this version fixes the problem in your particular case?


  7. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    sorry for the delay. Just run a quick round of tests and the beta seems to fix the problem with circular transitions. Thanks a lot.

    Awaiting eagerly the "option to trigger an event will be added to post-functions" :)

    Cheers, Aggelos

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