Can the native 'watchers' field be cleared on or just after issue creation?

Issue #250 resolved
Will created an issue


we get issues submitted with too many watchers (cc'd users) but want to remove them by default if the email is from a particular email address.

low priority request.

Thanks W

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Will,

    Do the CC users appear somewhere in the issue created by the email? In affirmative case, can you please attach a screenshot with an example showing them?

  2. Will reporter

    The Jira handler converts addresses in the CC field to users in the resulting issue's Watchers field (a system field) IF they match an existing user while the unmatched addresses are ignored.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Use post-function "Set a field as a function of other fields" in "Create Issue" transition with the following cofiguration:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-02-25 a las 0.16.15.png

    Setting rules are:

    ({00006}, %{00003}
    ({00006}, %{00003}
    ({00006}, %{00003}

    The former configuration overwrites "Watchers" virtual field with assignee and reporter, when the email of reporter is any of 3 forbidden email addresses. This way, the only watchers at issue creation will be the assignee and the reporter.

    Once configured, your "Create Issue" transition will look like this:

    Captura de pantalla 2016-02-25 a las 0.19.29.png

  4. Will reporter

    Thanks Fidel, The reporter of these emails is actually a bot that CC's several people in the company the same message. The bot is not associated with a jira account and therefore I don't think "Reporter's Email - [Text]" will work. The email subject line (jira summary field) is static, however. So I tried the a similar formula which didn't work. I had set the field to be checked to "Summary - [Text]" and setting rules to:

    ('Terminated Accounts (Accounting)')admin

    I hoped that this would replace the watchers list to only contain our admin user if the summary line matched. It didn't work.

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Try the following setting rule:

    (.*Terminated Accounts \(Accounting\).*)admin
  6. Will reporter

    It may be because the handler is creating the ticket from an email but this doesn't appear to be working. This is very low priority, just a wishlist thing I was hoping to get working. No worries, I dont want to take up more of your time with this.

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