Validator within Story workflow transition on Epic custom field

Issue #252 resolved created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I need to add a Validator on to a transition within a Story workflow that looks at a custom field value (Environmental Assessment) on the parent Epic.

Only when the Epic custom value = "Initial Assessment Complete" can the Story workflow progress to its next status.

Currently I have the following ~Validator set:

Validation on linked issue:

At least 0 and no more than 1000 issue links with the following characteristics: 
  - Issue link types: has Epic.
  - Linked issue's issue type: Epic.
  - Linked issue's status: any 
  - Linked issue's resolution: any 
  - Linked issue belongs to any project. 
  - Linked issue should satisfy: ^%{Environmental Assessment} = "Initial Assessment Complete" 
About the rest of issue links: 
  - Unselected issue link types are not allowed. 
  - Unselected issue types are not allowed. 
  - Linked issues not satisfying filter by field values are not allowed. 
Message to show when validation fails: "Initial environmental assessment must be completed before progressing".

But this is not working and I have tried various other options but none have worked,

Please can you advise.

Many thanks, Mike

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Mike,

    The problem might be that your current configuration is not allowing Story to have other issue links different form the relation Story-Epic.

    Try doing the following changes:

    • Unselected issue link types: ALLOWED
    • Unselected issue types: ALLOWED
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