Exception: Probable illegal use of reserved word 'null'.

Issue #253 resolved
Andrey Kiyanovsky created an issue

Hi Fidel,

Today something strange happened. I'm getting different exceptions. One of them: Probable illegal use of reserved word 'null' on this validation. There are some other exceptions in the log file, attached.

Reinstalling versions and 2.2.8, JIRA restart, JIRA reindex, JIRA integrity check did not help.

Help please!

Thank you in advance, AK.

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Andrey,

    Some questions:

    • Is a message shown in the user interface?
    • Do the problem appear with version 2.2.6?

    Can you please try to reproduce the problem using version 2.2.9_beta_1 and share the log file? This version has extended output to the log file, in order to diagnose the problem.

  2. Andrey Kiyanovsky


    Yes, it shows messages.

    This message on this validation.

    This message on this post-function.

    Both validation and post-function refer to parent's "Single choice" custom field "Deployed". Yesterday everything was working fine, I just added additional issue type to this field, which was also created yesterday.

    The same situation with 2.2.6 version.

    After installing 2.2.9_beta_1 I've got yet another error screen. I tried to delete additional issue type in Deployed field - did not help.

    I don't have access to the log ATM, will provide it tomorrow.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    I haven't been able to reproduce the problem, but apparently (according to JIRA API documentation) it's due to field "Deployed" is not a selectable custom field type, i.e., a field with options like Select, Radio Button, etc. Did you use the function + field injector available in the plugin's UI, or did you write the field code manually as argument of function avalilableItems().

    Another possibility is that the new field type you have recently created doesn't have an applicable context for the field, and so there isn't any option available for it. Anyway, it should cause an Exception, but return an empty list. I have fixed the problem in the following version: 2.2.8_beta_2. Please, try it and let me know if it solves the problem.

  4. Andrey Kiyanovsky

    Hi Fidel,

    I found the root cause of this bug. It happens when I try to check Parent's Deployed (wich is available in context) from a subtask (which doesn't have this field in context).

    Solution N1: add Deployed into Subtasks context.

    Solution N2: install 2.2.9_beta_2 which also fix this problem.

    P.S. Does 2.2.9_beta_2 have an expanded output to log file? If so, could you please create the beta_2 without the expanded log?

    Thank you very much, Fidel! You helped a lot! Best, AK.

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Version 2.2.9_beta_2 has some changes in the error management of the parser, but no extra output to the log file. That version can be used in a production environment without concerns.

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