A method to get JSD Customer Request Type description (not ID)

Issue #267 resolved
Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] created an issue

Is there a way to get the "Customer Request Type" description value instead of the id on a read or copy parsed text post-function?

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    Currently it is not possible due to JSD JAVA API unavailability. I'm going to contact Atlassian for ideas to do it.

  2. Aggelos Paraskevopoulos [Cententia] reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    thanks for the update. Indeed quite a few things are missing in terms of integration from JSD.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    The version 2.2.9, just released, provides some improvements in JSD integration.

    I will keep working on improving the integration in future versions.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Aggelos,

    Just released version 2.2.28 provides a new read-only virtual fields: Customer Request Type Name. I think, this new feature resolves this issue.

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