Assignable permission depending on issue type

Issue #268 resolved
FatimaM created an issue


We have one workflow where there are 2 types of issue EXTR & CNGF.In certain steps we need that for EXTR assignable workflow permission will be for Project role A,but for CNGF assignable workflow permission will be for Project role B.Could you suggest the solution


Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Fatima,

    Unfortunately JIRA doesn't provide specific permissions per issue type, i.e., a same permission scheme is applied to all the issue types in a project.

    If you want to control the assignment of the issue through your workflow, you can use the following solution:

    1. Remove field "Assignee" from your edit screen: this way assignee can't be modified by users manually.
    2. Use post-functions in your workflows in order to assign the issue. You have many ways to assign an issue using post-function of JIRA Workflow Toolbox. A very good practice is to use assignment by project role. You can use specific post-function to do it, or post-function "Set field as a function of other fields" to do assignments based on complex conditions.
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