Allowing create sub-task only for a specific issue type

Issue #270 resolved
BryanM created an issue


I am using Jira v6.3.13, Workflow Tool Box v2.2.8 and trying to use the following validation on the create transition of the Scope Sub-Task workflow per your documentation: %{00014} = "Scope Sub-task" IMPLIES %{00040} = "Release"

To ensure that only Scope sub-tasks can be created for Release Issues. It does not prevent creation of Scope Subtasks on any other Issue Type. My current issue types are Epics (Parent), Releases (Child of Epics) and then Feature Sets (Child of Releases).

I have a number of (~25) Sub-Tasks that I wish to use this sort of Boolean condition for validation. However, I am unable to get it to work. Nothing error wise is showing up in the jira logs that relates to this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Bryan,

    When say that you have 3 issue types: "Epic", "Release" and "Feature Set", but you should also have another one: "Scope Sub-task". Am I wrong?

    When you mention that "Feature Set" issue type is child of "Release", do you mean that "Release" is a sub-task issue type?

    Is "Scope Sub-task" sharing its workflow with other issue types, or is it exclusive?

    You should write the names of the issue type in the boolean expression exactly as they are, i.e., "Release" and "Scope Sub-task" should be exact names.

  2. BryanM reporter


    Actually, I was not very clear. I have 3 Issue Types, Epic, Release, and Feature Set. I have a host of Sub-Task types: Scope Requirements Design Dev ... and so on.

    Each Issue type and each Sub-Task type have their own exclusive workflow. I have used the names exactly as defined in Issue Types. It works on every transition past create just like it should which is terrific! Just not on the Create transition for reasons I cannot understand.


  3. BryanM reporter

    For states in the workflow after Create, my Boolean of

    %{00014} = "Scope Sub-task" And %{00040} = "Release"

    to make sure that this sub-task cannot be moved to either a Feature Set or an Epic.


  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    I have tested a similar boolean validation (%{00014} = "X" IMPLIES %{00040} = "Y") on "Create Issue" transition on JIRA 6.2.3 and 6.3.15 using JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.8 it works correctly.

    When you say that it is not working, you mean that it allows you to create "Scope Sub-task" from any parent issue type, or that you can't create "Scope Sub-task" in all cases?

    Are you creating the sub-tasks using JIRA User Interface, or are you creating the sub-tasks from emails, or any other special manner?

    Since you have a specific workflow for "Scope Sub-task" issue type, you can use a simpler boolean expression like this:

    %{00040} = "Release"

    Anyway, the original boolean expression one should work.

  5. BryanM reporter


    I am saying that it would not allow the creation of the Scope Sub-Task at all. However, let me try the %{00040} = "Release" boolean.

    Back to you shortly,


  6. BryanM reporter


    For reasons I am still not sure of, simplification of the formula down to just %{00040} = "Release" works as expected.

    Thanks much,


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