Reopen "REset" all Issues for a Parent oder EPIC

Issue #271 resolved
Rene Grandits created an issue


i want to do th efollowing in my workflow: i'm creating an specific issuetype - in the life cycle of this specisfic issue many subtasks and linkes issues are created relating to this issue.

now i want that on reopening the sprcific parent issue all subissues and (optinally) all linked issues are reopened too. how could i realisze that within the workflow toolbox plugin?

thx regards rene

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Rene,

    You can do it using "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" post-function in the workflow of your specific parent issue type. The solution would be something like this:

    Add "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" post-function in transition "Reopen Issue" in the workflow of prent issue with the following configuration:

    1. Source type: parsed text (basic mode)
    2. Source value: Reopened
    3. Target field: Issue status
    4. Filtering by issue link type: select issue link types to linked issues we want to reopen
    5. Write also subtasks...: checked
    6. Filtering linked issues or subtasks by issue type: check subtask types and linked issue types you want to reopen, or alternatively check nothing.
    7. Filtering linked issues or subtasks by status: check the statuses where issues are previously to being reopened, typically Closed, Resolved and Done.
    8. Linked issues or subtasks belong to: typically any project, or current project.
    9. Filtering by field values: leave the field empty.
    10. Write linked issues and subtasks recursively: unchecked

    I'm assuming that:

    1. The status you want to take the subtask and linked issues is Reopened.
    2. There is a transition from current status (typically Closed, Resolved or Done) to Reopened, and that conditions and validators will be satisfied.
    3. All linked issues and subtasks use the same target status (Reopened), but in case you have different target statuses for reopening issues, you should use different post-functions with different configurations in order to reopen each specific issue type.

    You can also use "Transition issue" as target field, and this case the source value isn't the name of the status we want to take the issue to, but the name of the transition we want to trigger (e.g., "Reopen Issue" instead of "Reopened").

    Please, let me know if your have any doubts.

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