Implementing restrictions in work logs

Issue #272 resolved
RominaS created an issue


I have a particular customer requirement and I was wondering if I could configurate it using Toolbox.

He needs to allow working log in ALL subtasks, but role-restricted in every parent issue in a particular project in the JIRA Software instance he owns.

For example, for project XXX:

Only admins can log hours in an issue but all developers can in their correspondant subtasks.

It is a little bit confusing, do you think W.Toolbox is the correct approach?

Thanks and regards!

Romina Salvia -

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Romina,

    The solution I can give you is:

    1) Remove "Log Work" field from your Edit screen. This way nobody will be able to log work by editing the issue.

    2) Create a screen called "Log Work Screen" containing only "Log Work" field.

    3) Add to your workflow a global reflexive transition called "Log Work". A global transition is available for all the statuses of the workflow, and a reflexive transition is a transition that doesn't change the status when executed, since it uses the same status as origin and destination.

    In the following example I'm creating a global reflexive transition called "Clone Last Comment":

    Captura de pantalla 2016-02-28 a las 12.27.02.png

    4) Associate "Log Work Screen" to "Log Work" global reflexive transition. This way each we will be able to log work by executing this transition.

    5) Now we can add a condition to transition "Log Work" in order to show it only to users with desired project roles.

    If we want to do more complex restrictions, for example: allow to log work only to users in certain project roles, only when the issues is in certain statuses, we can use a powerful condition like "Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms".

    Please, let me know if you have any doubts, or if you need help with the boolean condition.

  2. RominaS reporter

    You are amazing! I will try this on the customer environment on Monday and will keep you updated. I am new in the community and you are a great surprise being so helpful and nice.

    Que tengas un lindo dia y excelente fin de semana!!


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