Execute transition fails

Issue #275 resolved
JanT created an issue

I'm trying to execute a (delayed) transition based on a customfiled value (16102) , but it won't go further than the next status.

I'm using JIRA 6.4 delayed_transition.png

[(%{16102}) <= 1000]Autokvittering [(%{16102}) > 1000]"Anmodning om innkjøp"

Comments (18)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jan,

    You should remove the double quotes from your second setting rule:

    [(%{16102}) > 1000]Anmodning om innkjøp
  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Jan, I have some questions:

    • Does any of the setting rules work, or none of them?
    • Are "Autokvittering" and "Anmodning om innkjøp" the actual names of the statuses, or translations? You can check it up at Administration > Issues > Statuses.
    • "Issue status" or "Issue status (delayed writing)" virtual fields require that a transition from current status to the new status exist, and that conditions and validators are satisfied. Do those transitions exist and the conditions and validators are satisfied? You can check it up trying to execute them manually.
  3. JanT Account Deactivated reporter

    None of the rules works. "Autokvittering" and "Anmodning om innkjøp" are the actual name of the transitions (not status, since i'm using the Execute transition) ant there is not any conditions or validators. The transitions exist and can be executed manually.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    You should use code for numeric value of "Estimert kostnad" (i.e. {16102}), but you are using field code for string value (i.e. %{16102}), and so you are doing a lexicographic comparison, instead of a numeric comparison.

    Try the following setting rules:

    [{16102} <= 1000]Autokvittering
    [{16102} > 1000]Anmodning om innkjøp
  5. JanT Account Deactivated reporter

    The same results again Fidel. I don't get any error message in the log either. Is there a special level of logging that should be used?

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    In order to do some debugging, can you please try setting Target field to "New comment"? This way we can check whether setting rules are actually being triggered, since we a comment should be created with the name of the status we want to transition to.

  7. JanT Account Deactivated reporter

    Both the "Anmodning om innkjøp" and "Autokvittering" where created as a new comment. "Autokvittering" for numbers below 1000 and "Anmodning om innkjøp" for numbers larger than 1000

  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Now, please, do the following:

    1. Set target field to "Issue status (delayed writing)" again.
    2. Set logging level to DEBUG for package com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox. You can do it at Administration > System > Logging and profiling.
    3. Reproduce the problem triggering both setting rules, and please, share your log file with me. You can send it to support@workflowarts.com.
  9. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It seems that the issue is in a status "APEN" at the moment the status change is tried, and from that status there isn't any transition to the status you want to move the issue to.

    Can you attach a screenshot of the part of the workflow implied in this issue? The screenshot should contain the status the issue is in before transition execution, the transition which has post-function "Set field as a function other fields", and the transitions to statuses "Autokvittering" and "Anmodning om innkjøp".

    Why are you using "Issue status (delayed writing)" virtual field, instead of "Issue status"?

  10. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jan, could you, please, provide the screenshot I asked for in my previous comment?

  11. JanT Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Fidel! I will test this issue later today and give you a feedback afterwards.

  12. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jan,

    You need to insert a transition from "Apen" to "Godkjent", since all issue status changes are made respecting the workflow, i.e., using transitions of the workflow.

    You can create a transition to be used only by the plugin, to do it just hide it to JIRA users adding "Transition is triggered by JIRA Workflow Toolbox post-function" condition to these transition.

  13. JanT Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Fidel!

    I've added the transitions and added the "Transition is triggered by JIRA Workflow Toolbox post-function" condition , but the transition still went to the wrong status and I got this error message in the log: 2016-04-01 11:05:14,916 Timer-43 ERROR jan 665x156591x1 1cg4bwo,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /secure/WorkflowUIDispatcher.jspa [atlassian.jira.workflow.OSWorkflowManager] Caught exception while attempting to perform action 21 from workflow 84150 on issue 'DESK-96' com.opensymphony.workflow.StoreException: Error marking step #90622 finished: root cause: Tried to update an entity that does not exist.

    I now used Execute transition instead of delayed transition

  14. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jan,

    Can we have a screen-share by Skype? I would like to see the failure in direct. My Skype user is fidel100r.

  15. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    The problem is caused by your JIRA server being particularly slow, and "Ammodning opprettet" transition is not finished at the moment the following transition is tried to be executed by the plugin.

    The problem has been solved adding parameter : {delay=3000} after the name of the transition you want to be executes automatically after "Ammodning opprettet" transition. This parameter adds a delay of 3000 ms before trying to execute the next transition.

    Setting rules now are something like this:

    [{16102} <= 1000]Autokvittering : {delay=3000}
    [{16102} > 1000]Anmodning om innkjøp : {delay=3000}
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