How to validate that comment was entered

Issue #277 resolved
Andrej Virant created an issue

I would like to validate, that comment was entered when transitioning from In progress to Resolved

Comments (4)

  1. Andrej Virant reporter

    Thanks for the quick answer. Is it possible to limit this just to users in some group, for example if user is a member of a group 'developer' he is not required to enter comment, everyone else must?

    Thanks again.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can do it using the following boolean expression:

    !isInGroup(%{00020}, "group_name") IMPLIES %{00127} != null 

    but I recommend you to use project roles instead of groups, since using project roles in the workflow makes them much more reusable than using groups.

    Then you would use groups to associate users to project roles in each project.

    If you use project roles, you should use the following boolean expression:

    !isInRole(%{00020}, "role_name") IMPLIES %{00127} != null 

    Note that %{00020} is field code for Current user.

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